
2012年4月29日 星期日

過度紓困 - 下一波金融海嘯



2012年4月28日 星期六

金錢、銀行體系和聯準會 (3/3)

這是一部1996年由米塞斯學院製作的紀錄片,真相道白極力推薦。此紀錄片是為了紀念已故奧地利學派經濟學大師默里·羅斯巴德(1926 -1995)。此片問世距今已有15年,但仍具有濃厚的現實意義,很多內容甚至是精準的預言

金錢、銀行體系和聯準會 (2/3)

這是一部1996年由米塞斯學院製作的紀錄片,真相道白極力推薦。此紀錄片是為了紀念已故奧地利學派經濟學大師默里·羅斯巴德(1926 -1995)。此片問世距今已有15年,但仍具有濃厚的現實意義,很多內容甚至是精準的預言

金錢、銀行體系和聯準會 (1/3)

這是一部1996年由米塞斯學院製作的紀錄片,真相道白極力推薦。此紀錄片是為了紀念已故奧地利學派經濟學大師默里·羅斯巴德(1926 -1995)。此片問世距今已有15年,但仍具有濃厚的現實意義,很多內容甚至是精準的預言

什麼是中央銀行 ?

本影片是取自 http://bit.ly/fJy78L
是由 真相道白 網友翻譯且上字幕

Money As Debt II 不受約束的承諾 part6

這個是最後一部份,讓我們感謝『真相道白』網友幫忙翻譯Money As Debt II後半部的部份,曉很開心跟網友這次的大型無私的合作,希望未來持續有機會。


Money As Debt一直在用各種角度討論債務貨幣體系,用宏觀的經濟以及貨物流通的角度來探討所導致的過程以及結果,無論這部影片探討的觀點是否偏頗,曉認為他所用的視角十分不錯,­很值得用來當我們在探討某個問題時,需要從多角度切入的研究,才比較全面。

Money As Debt II 不受約束的承諾 part 5



Money As Debt一直在用各種角度討論債務貨幣體系,用宏觀的經濟以及貨物流通的角度來探討所導致的過程以及結果,無論這部影片探討的觀點是否偏頗,曉認為他所用的視角十分不錯,­很值得用來當我們在探討某個問題時,需要從多角度切入的研究,才比較全面。

Money As Debt II 不受約束的承諾 part 4


Money As Debt一直在用各種角度討論債務貨幣體系,用宏觀的經濟以及貨物流通的角度來探討所導致的過程以及結果,無論這部影片探討的觀點是否偏頗,曉認為他所用的視角十分不錯,­很值得用來當我們在探討某個問題時,需要從多角度切入的研究,才比較全面。

Money As Debt II 不受約束的承諾 part 3

曉在一場大感冒後,終於再回到翻譯影片的路上嚕,這是Money As Debt II的第三部份,Money As Debt一直在用各種角度討論債務貨幣體系,用宏觀的經濟以及貨物流通的角度來探討所導致的過程以及結果,無論這部影片探討的觀點是否偏頗,曉認為他所用的視角十分不錯,­很值得用來當我們在探討某個問題時,需要從多角度切入的研究,才比較全面。

Money As Debt II 不受約束的承諾 part 2

Part 2 曉翻譯的真是一波三折
真是汗顏 冏~

Money As Debt II 不受約束的承諾 part 1


Money As Debt 中文字幕版5

由Paul Grignon製作的這部47分鐘的動畫片以簡單易懂的方式向我們展示了錢的本質和製造方法。 電影裏面談到的這些知識很重要,不僅是對學經濟的學生或是普通大眾。 它與早先中國內地一本暢銷書"貨幣戰爭"闡述的觀點類似。我推薦這部影片給所有對現行的這個不可持續發展的世界金融體系的相關知識有興趣的人。 電影裏介紹了一些金融改革方案,如果對金融系統改革有興趣的可以搜索英國的tally stick系統和美國的colonial script

Money As Debt 中文字幕版4

由Paul Grignon製作的這部47分鐘的動畫片以簡單易懂的方式向我們展示了錢的本質和製造方法。 電影裏面談到的這些知識很重要,不僅是對學經濟的學生或是普通大眾。 它與早先中國內地一本暢銷書"貨幣戰爭"闡述的觀點類似。我推薦這部影片給所有對現行的這個不可持續發展的世界金融體系的相關知識有興趣的人。 電影裏介紹了一些金融改革方案,如果對金融系統改革有興趣的可以搜索英國的tally stick系統和美國的colonial script

Money As Debt 中文字幕版3

由Paul Grignon製作的這部47分鐘的動畫片以簡單易懂的方式向我們展示了錢的本質和製造方法。 電影裏面談到的這些知識很重要,不僅是對學經濟的學生或是普通大眾。 它與早先中國內地一本暢銷書"貨幣戰爭"闡述的觀點類似。我推薦這部影片給所有對現行的這個不可持續發展的世界金融體系的相關知識有興趣的人。 電影裏介紹了一些金融改革方案,如果對金融系統改革有興趣的可以搜索英國的tally stick系統和美國的colonial script

Money As Debt 中文字幕版2

由Paul Grignon製作的這部47分鐘的動畫片以簡單易懂的方式向我們展示了錢的本質和製造方法。 電影裏面談到的這些知識很重要,不僅是對學經濟的學生或是普通大眾。 它與早先中國內地一本暢銷書"貨幣戰爭"闡述的觀點類似。我推薦這部影片給所有對現行的這個不可持續發展的世界金融體系的相關知識有興趣的人。 電影裏介紹了一些金融改革方案,如果對金融系統改革有興趣的可以搜索英國的tally stick系統和美國的colonial script

Money As Debt 中文字幕版1

由Paul Grignon製作的這部47分鐘的動畫片以簡單易懂的方式向我們展示了錢的本質和製造方法。 電影裏面談到的這些知識很重要,不僅是對學經濟的學生或是普通大眾。 它與早先中國內地一本暢銷書"貨幣戰爭"闡述的觀點類似。我推薦這部影片給所有對現行的這個不可持續發展的世界金融體系的相關知識有興趣的人。 電影裏介紹了一些金融改革方案,如果對金融系統改革有興趣的可以搜索英國的tally stick系統和美國的colonial script

2012年4月1日 星期日

來看看巴菲特介紹自己的辦公室吧!! (CBS NEWS)

Take A Tour Of Warren Buffett's Office, Guided By The Oracle Himself

Investing guru Warren Buffett is well known for his penchant for his hometown of Omaha and living a simple and modest lifestyle.
Last month, for CBS' Person To Person show, Warren Buffett took hosts Charlie Rose and Lara Logan on a tour of his Berkshire Hathaway offices in Omaha, NE.
Just a brief walkthrough shows just how personal Buffett's office is—the walls hang with sports memorabilia and photos of family. There's an amusing anecdote that accompanies every item in the office.
Buffett has been investing out of his Omaha offices for nearly 50 years—apparently his landlord keeps the rent low. So come see where all the magic happens.

Buffett is the guide on this tour, Berkshire Hathaway has been based in this building for over 50 years.
Buffett is the guide on this tour, Berkshire Hathaway has been based in this building for over 50 years.

CBS News
A cabinet of football memorabilia.
A cabinet of football memorabilia.
CBS News
A University of Nebraska at Lincoln football helmet signed by former coach Tom Osborne. There's also a miniature Buffett next to it.
A University of Nebraska at Lincoln football helmet signed by former coach Tom Osborne. There's also a miniature Buffett next to it.

CBS News
This sign is inspired by the Notre Dame football locker room, which has "Play Like A Champion Today" over the top of its doors.
This sign is inspired by the Notre Dame football locker room, which has "Play Like A Champion Today" over the top of its doors.

CBS News
Buffett has his employees touch this every morning, so they can be as successful at investing as Notre Dame is at football.
Buffett has his employees touch this every morning, so they can be as successful at investing as Notre Dame is at football.

CBS News
Down a hallway of sports-related photos. Buffett is pointing to a picture of former Red Sox Ted Williams, he takes a lot of tips from Williams' book 'The Science Of Hitting.'
Down a hallway of sports-related photos. Buffett is pointing to a picture of former Red Sox Ted Williams, he takes a lot of tips from Williams' book 'The Science Of Hitting.'

CBS News
Buffett with Tiger Woods. Buffett was his caddy for an event in Iowa; Buffett joked that Woods gave him a bad tip.
Buffett with Tiger Woods. Buffett was his caddy for an event in Iowa; Buffett joked that Woods gave him a bad tip.
CBS News
Now down to Buffett's office!
Now down to Buffett's office!
CBS News
The office is filed with photos of people that are important to Buffett.
The office is filed with photos of people that are important to Buffett.
CBS News
Hanging prominently is a 1942 campaign photo of Buffett's father when he ran for Congress.
Hanging prominently is a 1942 campaign photo of Buffett's father when he ran for Congress.
CBS News
Notice how the office has no computers, the phone is the most prominent piece of technology. Buffett says all he needs is paper documents and the phone.
Notice how the office has no computers, the phone is the most prominent piece of technology. Buffett says all he needs is paper documents and the phone.
CBS News
Buffett spent $100 to take a Dale Carnegie course when he was 21 because he was terrified of public speaking. The course helped him propose to his wife.
Buffett spent $100 to take a Dale Carnegie course when he was 21 because he was terrified of public speaking. The course helped him propose to his wife.
CBS News
Next to the Dale Carnegie certificate is the Presidential Medal of Freedom Buffett received from President Barack Obama in 2010.
Next to the Dale Carnegie certificate is the Presidential Medal of Freedom Buffett received from President Barack Obama in 2010.
CBS News
A baseball signed by legends such as Willie Mays, Ted Williams, Joe Dimaggio, etc. Buffett said it is a present from a friend.
A baseball signed by legends such as Willie Mays, Ted Williams, Joe Dimaggio, etc. Buffett said it is a present from a friend.
CBS News
There's a World Book Encyclopedia set on Buffett's shelf.
There's a World Book Encyclopedia set on Buffett's shelf.
CBS News
It's no secret that Buffett and music mogul Jay Z are good friends, here's a signed copy of Forbes from when both Jay Z and Buffett graced the cover.
It's no secret that Buffett and music mogul Jay Z are good friends, here's a signed copy of Forbes from when both Jay Z and Buffett graced the cover.
CBS News
Buffett shows off photos of his children.
Buffett shows off photos of his children.
CBS News
There's a bonus photo at the bottom: Microsoft founder Bill Gates with the Berkshire Board of Directors, sharing milkshakes!
There's a bonus photo at the bottom: Microsoft founder Bill Gates with the Berkshire Board of Directors, sharing milkshakes!
CBS News
That's all now, bye bye!
That's all now, bye bye!

Here is the tour in video form

Maybe this will compensate for the fact that we don't get to see Buffett's house>
Maybe this will compensate for the fact that we don't get to see Buffett's house>
This Sick Hamptons House Built By A Merrill Lynch Partner In 1915 Is Now On Sale For $25 Million


長期投資, 這就是王道!!


量入為出, 當花則花


遠離債務, 不要過度擁有風險






努力工作, 先存到第一桶金




我們都知道!! 想要致富的人很多,但真正能達到夢想目標的人不多。每個人都能簡易上手,累積自己一生的財富